Privacy Policy | Spacedom
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M/S Saahi Automation Solutions is committed to ensuring the security and privacy of all information collected via the Internet. We realize this information is personal and have included the following information to answer most of your questions regarding our privacy and security policies. We encourage you to read our policy to understand what types of information we collect and how we use this information to process your requests. M/S Saahi Automation Solutions is in NO WAY LIABLE for information resulting from links, content, and other media derived from an outside link from this website or from any affiliate content.

Collection of information via

Prior to sign-in, you may browse the site anonymously. After sign-in, when you visit specific areas of our site you are showing your interest in that area's products and services. gathers that general information based on your use patterns and uses it to enable us to serve you better.

M/S Saahi Automation Solutions maintains your privacy and does not share information. Sensitive information remains confidential. M/S Saahi Automation Solutions does not exchange IP address information collected by our web site with any outside companies or vendors without your permission. AT NO TIME IS INFORMATION FROM OUR CLIENTS, POTENTIAL CLIENTS, SUBMISSIONS OR EMAIL SHARED WITH ANY OTHER OUTSIDE OR THIRD-PARTY ENTITY.

General information we collect and how it is used

When you visit sites, our systems collect some basic and anonymous information about your computer for routine website maintenance, including:

  • IP address (your computer's unique signature)

  • Operating system (e.g., Windows 95)

  • Browser software 
    (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape)

  • Internet Service Provider (e.g., AOL)

This information is used to upgrade our system's capabilities to improve our service to you.

M/S Saahi Automation Solutions does not share information

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